New website
for UCM
The UCM (Union des Classes Moyennes) is a Belgian organization that represents the interests of the self-employed and small businesses. It offers a wide range of services and advice to support entrepreneurs in their administrative, fiscal and social processes, while promoting their development.
For this redesign project, I worked with a team of UX and UI designer to revamp the interface of the UCM website. The goal was to refresh the look of the site by introducing a new visual dynamic, while ensuring a more intuitive and fluid navigation. A branding agency had previously provided us with updated guidelines, which we followed to align the website design with the organization's refreshed visual identity.
I was primarily responsible for the UI design, working on the layout, visual hierarchy, and element structure to improve clarity and readability. We aimed to create a more modern and dynamic site, while simplifying navigation to improve the overall user experience.
The goal of this redesign was to make the site more appealing and accessible by creating a visual environment in line with UCM's new image. By simplifying the interface, we enabled users to easily find the information they need while providing a more enjoyable and efficient browsing experience.